I went to the opening on Friday and fell in love with sketching all over again. Her francophile style is appropriate for the children's books without being too immature for us adults. It's curly and fun without missing a detail.

I really wanted When Royalty Wore Ruffles but I'm flat broke. I will in time, however, make it part of my slowly evolving fashion library until one day I'll have to dedicate an entire room to it.

McLaren also has a small preview of her SS2010 Demoiselle collection. Here she is in one of the coats. I could not stop staring at it!
Click the picture to see her 2008 collection and get a feel for her luxurious details and volumes. All fashion lovers in Dallas need to go see this exhibit.

Another artist being featured at the 4th Wall Gallery is Peter Breese. His sketches were a little sexier, giving weight and fluidity to women's curves. That's him in the picture standing next to my favorite piece.

I'll let you guess why. (*_~)