I went to the first day of Shecky's Girls Night Out last night. If you didn't catch it, here's eight reason you should go tonight after work.
8: 15 Minute MassagesEnhanced Massage is doing 15 minute massages near the entrance for $10. That means that after a stressful day at work, you can sit on Cloud 9 for less than $1 a minute.

7: Indy DesignersI remember the first Shecky's I went to seemed smaller last night, with less less attendants but more local indie designers. Indie designers offer great style that's hard to find in stores. And this economy, I highly recommend buying indie - they have to eat too!
6: Meet Local CelebritiesShirin Askari from last season's Project Runway will be there promoting her Debut Fashion Show (which is tomorrow) as well as the Starlight Children's Foundation. (Please excuse my girlfriend for looking like a vampire in that photo.)

5: Sample SaleThere's a couple of really great designers that design exclusevely for high-end stores. Example: Ed & Betty Vintage Couture is sold exclusively at Nordstrom. But designer Nikki is selling a few of her samples at wholesale price tonight. These necklaces are gorgeous. My girlfriend and I were lusting over the skull one on the left. But I would have taken the giant pearl that the bride-to-be bought seconds before we got the the table.

4: A Bad Hair Day is a Good ThingDon't have time to smooth your frizzies after work? Don't worry - Conair's got you covered. Just give their little game wheel a spin... If you land on "GOOD HAIR DAY", Congrats! You get a free hair touch up using their new You Style Iron, which is a straightening and curling iron in one. The stylist did a really great job on my hair. But if you land on "BAD HAIR DAY", Super Congrats! You get either Conair straightening or curling iron FREE!

3: It's a Shopping ExperienceGrab your girlfriends because this is one of those shopping events that brings out the best in people. The DJ is spinning chart-toppers by the free drinks and there's even a text-to-request number. Not mention all the great little finds from shoes to jewelry to purses. As I was coming in, a group of girls came out and commented on how crowded it was but the goodie bags were good.

2: Sponsored Open BarIt not a cheap open bar with plain vodka like other places have had. There are two bars sponsored by Midori and X-Rated. I highly recommend X-Rated's Pink Lemonade but Midori's Margaritas & Melonballs aren't so bad either. A couple of drinks and you'll totally be in the mood for shopping. The fun thing to do is wait for the mature ladies to get a few in their system and start dancing to Lady Gaga.

1: Best Goodie Bag Ever!!!
Click the pic to make it bigger.Hands down, I have never seen such loaded swag bag! Razors, make-up, lotion, perfume - I felt so girly just holding it. The only thing they were missing was a coupon for a free Latte from Starbucks (hinthint) and it would have been perfect. When I got home, my sisters pounced on it and left me with some Soft Lips chapstick and KY Lube. My girlfriend says that's all I really needed.